Additional besides individual outside, like miniature or average taxpayer can also norm imposes the condition of duty? 另除了个体外,像小规模或一般纳税人会不会也有定额征收税的情况?
By transforming the metaphysical wisdom into individual spiritual noumenon and universal norm system, philosophy not only defines and explains the world, but also standardizes and reforms the world. 通过化形上智慧为个体的精神本体及普遍的规范系统,哲学既说明、解释世界又规范、变革世界。
The finalization of the individual gender role is a cultural norm, which is an expression of both the national psychology and socialization. 个体性别角色定型是一种文化上的规定性。它既是民族心理的重要表征,又是民族社会化的重要体现。
The cultivation of individual honesty is the subjective activities which the individual cultivates his honest personality and realizes the convert of the norm of honesty from heteronomy to autonomy. 个体诚信修养是个体实现从诚信规范的他律向自律的转化,确立高尚的诚信人格的主体性活动。
Individual behavioral factors are made up of behavioral attitude, subjective norm and self-efficiency. 个体行为因素从个体知识共享的态度、个体知识共享的主观规范和个体知识共享的自我效能进行讨论。
It is suitable for the individual selection of angle of vine, leaf norm, plant height in early generation in one time, but the weight of individual leaf, leaf width, nodal spus should be strenuously selected in early generation. 叶脉角、叶数、株高,宜在早代进行一次性单株选择,单叶重、叶宽、节距可适当加强早代选择。
Tax authorities cannot prepare accounts of individual industrial and commercial households, small micro enterprises, and other general taxpayers 'tax matters management way is to norm management on a regular basis. 税务机关对不能建账的个体工商户、小微型企业等纳税人的涉税事项一般采取的管理方式是定期定额征收管理。
The major premise which judge trials on is the individual norm created by judge according to the condition of the concrete case and combining with legal norm, aiming at resolving the dispute in the process of judgment. 法官裁判案件的大前提是,根据个案情况并结合法律规范旨在解决诉争而创设的个别规范,即裁判规范。